Moo, Just Call Me Bessie!

I AM a moo cow a new cow a true cow named Caroline….MOO MOO MOO MOO.

So let’s just say, I have a LOT of trust in doctors! Especially my team for my PBM. I didn’t ask too many questions, so it wasn’t until my first follow up visit that I found out exactly what I had done! And I didn’t know the calf er half of it!

My surgery was September 19th and this article by By Roni Caryn Rabin, entitled “New Approach to Breast Reconstruction May Reduce Pain and Weakness for Some: The technique places implants on top of muscle, instead of under it.” came out in The New York Times the day before. Had I read it before my surgery, I would have advocated and questioned if I would be a candidate for it.  Turns out, it’s exactly what my Surgeon, Dr. Henry Spinelli did!

My apologies to any doctors or nurses if my language is off 🙂 I’m not a doctor, and I’ve actually never played one on TV.

I have Over the Muscle or (OTM) tissue expanders in now(they are sort of place holders and will stretch everything as they are filled with silicone via a magnet!). The older and more common way for a PBM was Under the Muscle(the pectoral), which explains why I have more range of motion than I thought I would! In front of the implant and behind my own skin I have bovine dermis(yep cow!), giving me a nice lift and a sling for the expander, or future implant to fit into. No lollipop scars for a lift, in fact my incision looks like my sweet 3.5 year old took a thin red pen and drew way under my boobs(infamammary). On my first post op checkup, Dr. Remover Guy, Eugene Nowack, joked at how little Dr. Amazing Plastic Surgeon Henry Spinelli would let him cut! “I’m supposed to do it all through THAT tiny cut?” He did.

The tissue expanders are sort of like an under inflated air mattress but hard as rocks. They ripple in very strange ways, but that will go away as they are filled through their magic port.

Up until yesterday, I had my drains, the Jackson Pratts, coming out of me, but they were removed when the output was low enough. Finally! Bye bye, Drain and Garth, as I called them. WAHOOO!!!!!! Don’t let the medical waste bin hit you on your way out!

The whole drainage end was inside me, secured by a stitch and we(well my awesome hubby) emptied them every 6-8 hours.

When I asked if it would hurt to get them out, because I’m well versed in the REAL meanings of “pinch and a burn” or “a little pressure”………

He said, it’s like “a bowel movement” or “an orgasm”. Hmmm ok then. It was like neither. Sort of just a pull. BUT not having them was euphoria, much like a good poop or an amazing orgasm!

My first “fill” will be next week, even though I’m amazed with the current “boobs” or “foobs” I have now.

So yes, I’m part cow. I don’t know if the burger I had last week makes me a cannibal, or if I’m Kosher, but you can call me Bessie

or Caroline

or Milky White

.Image result for into the woods i guess this is goodbye original cast

And,If you have a fever, ring that cowbell!

I’m extremely extremely pleased and happy…I still have a ways to go for things to be even better, but I am much more “excited than scared”!

And I’m “Twitter famous”! A friend, @eclinical even used my “case” in a talk at a work conference, which is amazing, since I’m all about sharing my story with the world to help raise awareness!!

Now we(and I mean we, you can keep reading even if you’re we don’t see eye to eye) root root root for the Yankees and as we do that, I’ll keep you posted on me, the inflatable cow!

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